Check This Out!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memphis Blue Power Review

"American Energy"

Memphis well when I took this out of a package I received yesterday I "hoped" it was blue itself.
When I opened the can and drank a little it turned out to be blue itself.
The taste is pretty good, it has a slight fruity taste with bubblegum.
The fruity taste is a mix of tropical fruits I think.
It also has a slight bitter aftertaste which I dislike, but it isn't so bad that it changes my point of view at this drink.
I like it pretty well!
This one scores a 7,6!

For the design, it's pretty special and come's with a nice blue colour.
Everywhere on the can you can see the text "Blue" on the background.
For can collector's I would recommend this one because it's pretty nice.

Here a picture of the colour of the drink itself:

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